步骤 1:
把已冷藏1小时的面团取出放在室温15分钟,放在两层烘培纸之间擀成约5 cm厚的薄片,用5cm的四方形饼干模具切割28面片 块.再用6cm的四方形的饼干模具切割14块面片.最后切割2.5cm的面片.把这些面片放在铺有烘培纸的烤盘里冷藏放置20分钟.用375度烤5-7分种成金黄色.拿下模具放架子上凉透.
步骤 2:
pipe along top edge of one 6cm cookie,place one 5 cm cookie upright along iced edge of base,lining up with 1 corner.pipe icing along 2 adjacent edge of another 5cm cookie.attach iced side to base and first upright cookie.lining up with corner to form 90 degree angle.repeat with 2 more 5cm piece.build 7 open-top box. reserve 7 of 6cm piece for lid. let dry complete ,about 30 minutes.
步骤 3:
fill box with candy than cover lid.spread thin layer of sugar over top and side.let stand until dry,about 1 hour.